One More Lap | 12hr Team Relay Ultra | How it works

One More Lap

For Kids' Village

What You Need to Know

One More Lap for Kids’ Village is a 12-hour charity ultramarathon in which 25 teams of runners will race against the clock to complete as many laps as the can before the time runs out.

Here’s what you need to know if you’re joining us for the big day.

"Because ultrarunning events are so difficult simply to complete, it it often feels more like a 'We're all in this together' rather than 'Me vs. You'."

Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc winner — Katie Schide.


One More Lap’s a team event because shared suffering is _so_ much more enjoyable.

Your crack team can have either 4 or 6 runners, then take it in turns, relay style, to lap Stowe Pool, one runner at a time.

How your team runs One More Lap is completely down to you.

Want to split the effort evenly with everyone running the same amount? That’s fine. Let your team’s Forrest Gump do the lion’s share of running? That’s fine too. Or why not go wild and swap runners after every lap?

Actually, probably don’t do that.

Team Captains

Every team needs a captain. To lead, to inspire, to set the example and, more importantly, to do the admin.

We’ll make whoever registered the team as their “captain”*. This is the one brave runner who’s responsible for gathering runners together, for signing up to Just Giving, and making sure every team member hits their fundraising target.

On the bug day, the captain needs to make sure everyone on the team understands the route, the “rules” (they’re more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules) and is fit & well enough to run.

* If this doesn't sound like you, let us know and we'll change it.

The Route

The route is pretty straightforward. It’s only three quarters of a mile. It follows the footpath, clockwise around Stowe Pool.

The Footpath around Lichfield's Stowe Pool

If you do get lost on the route, that’s probably a sign it’s time to head back to camp for something to eat and a sit down. So find your way to the nearest marshal – they’ll be the one with two heads, glowing eyes and sounding like Cher does on “Believe”.

The OML Camp

The One More Lap Camp is on Stowe Field. This is where you’ll call home for the duration of One More Lap, and where you’ll be spending a fair amount of time.

To help make it as welcoming as possible, we'd love you to turn your 3m2 corner of the camp into "Your Happy Place" – whatever and wherever that might be.

Also, in the Camp there’ll be food & drink on offer (water will be free but you’ll have to pay for anything else. We’ll try to make it as appetising & affordable as possible).

There’ll be a free physio, plus “entertainment” throughout the day. More details on this as soon as its confirmed.

And don’t panic, there’ll be loos too.


You and your team can take a break whenever you want. Although you can only have one runner on the course at once, you don’t always have to have someone running.

So have a break, have a Kit Kat*, then get going again when you’re ready.

The Baton Handover

The handover point, where one teammate passes the “baton” (it’ll be a wristband) to the next, will be next to the event HQ as you come down the start/finish funnel back into camp.

This is the only place you should swap runners (gosh, that sounds like a rule, doesn’t it?) as it let’s the lovely folks in the HQ know that you’re safe & well and back in camp.

The Last Laps

One More Lap finishes at 8pm. The sun sets just before half past 7. So, please bring a head (or other body part) torch for your last runner to use.

Then, for the final 15 minutes, we’ll ask everyone to head out onto the course and light the way for our last runners.

As the Cathedral clock strikes 8, we’ll head back into camp.

Doing One More Lap for Kids’ Village together.


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